Feng Shui The Nobleman Star

Can we homo sapiens exist as a singular blob of meat? Can a single human being roam the surface of a planet and survive with its sanity intact? Say for some oddness this human miraculously survives on his own, since birth, how will he learn, from whom or what will he learn from? Perhaps innate instinct? Well even the term “homo sapiens” does not exist in a singular form. So there you go, we must coexist and exchange our energy with one another, with other species, with the environment to feed the continuous cycle of life itself. In this post I’m not advocating that we ought to be social butterflies, rather, we need people around us to form symbiotic relationships. The exchange of energy is what keeps the cogs of this universe alive and kicking! That my friends, is when we turn to the Nobleman Star. In Feng Shui, the Nobleman Star is the 1 White Star. The term “Nobleman” used here does not mean rank or title, rather, it means helpful people. So let’s put our egos (for better or worse) aside and accept that we need to help and need to receive help one way or another, at some points in our lives.

No man is an island

John Donne
No man is an island
No man is an island – going insane?
On to the Star

Feng Shui The Academic Star

The majority of adults would ask for wealth. Make Feng Shui bring me money. Where’s the wealth sector? I want to strike the lottery. I want a raise. I want a promotion. It’s always about money. The young aspiring adults would likely add on fame to the list. I want to be an influencer. I want to have a million followers on instagram and so on. Here comes reality, Feng Shui ain’t getting you shit if you sit there and do nothing. Nothing’s ever gonna get you anything if you sit there and do nothing. Let that thought sit for awhile.. .. .. OK, now that we’ve come to our senses, let’s be realistic; anything we do in our lives, we learnt from someone or somewhere or through experience. Agree? Congratulations! You’re one step the wiser :-). First and foremost, knowledge is the ingredient, the not so secret sauce that will improve us. Applied knowledge through practice is what will improve our market value. Mastery of knowledge is what enables us to demand. Demand is where money goes too. That’s where we turn to the Academic star. In Feng Shui, the academic star is the 4 Green Star.

You Feng Shui can’t help someone who doesn’t want to help themselves.

too common to know
It all starts with knowledge
It all starts with knowledge.
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