Feng Shui Activating the Duke Virtue 歲德 Star in 2021

A new year, a year of renewed possibilities or a year of smooth sailing or a year of downward spiraling? Metaphysics followers and practitioners are well aware of the changes in energies when a new year is ushered in and how Feng Shui is used to enhance or mitigate the energies. One star that I favor is the Duke Virtue 歲德 star, that in the Xin Chou year of 2021, resides in the S1 sector (24 mountains) of a property. The Duke Virtue star bestows protective and negative mitigating energy to the occupants. Whether you decide to take a chill pill for the year or you plan to aim for the skies, protective energy is always good to have with you. Don’t you agree? Also there’s no stopping you from activating other energies in your home that’ll suit your pursuits.

TLDR; I’ve prepared a table of the first occurrence of a good day to activate the Duke Virtue star in the Xin Chou year of 2021, for all 24 sitting directions.

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