Starting with Feng Shui a Pragmatist Approach

There’s always a certain level of intrigue that fear seems to leech on when it comes to learning something new, especially when that new knowledge claims to have the ability to have impact on our lives, this compounded by the fact that metaphysical topics are not backed by science. Perhaps it is this fear that keeps some of us at bay when it comes to Feng Shui (or any metaphysical subjects). I have written a few pieces on Feng Shui, specifically tailored to how my mind learns. The intention is to keep it less technical and a little candid, to help that sponge in our skull absorb. Hopefully, your learning mind shares the same (or somewhat) frequency as mine for you the reap the benefits and making learning Feng Shui fun and rewarding.

Feng Shui Qi Flow Happy Man Harmonious Home
Feng Shui Qi Flow Happy Man Harmonious Home

Information vs Knowledge

Data are pieces of information that, on it’s own, has little meaning. For instance, “1 week”, “woman”, “man”, “house”, “buy”, “Kuala Lumpur”, “Malaysia”, “summer”, “vacation”. We know what these words mean individually, so what? Now, if we’d string them up together in a meaningful sequence, i.e.

A couple spent a week in Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia and while they were on that short vacation, they fell in love with the place, the people, the culture, the food, everything! So much so that they bought a house! 

Data strung together turns into information or knowledge. About a decade or so ago, the common phrase was “Knowledge is Power”. In this date and time, “Applied Knowledge is Power” which makes sense. Knowing without acting is like having an apple and just watching it rot away because, that’s how our memory works too.

Step by Step

If you’re an absolute beginner in Feng Shui, I suggest that you walk through the pieces in the order listed below;

  1. Basic Understanding of Qi / Energy
  2. Finding the Center of a House
  3. Recording the Facing Direction of a House
  4. Identifying the Sectors of a House

Once you’ve read, understood and practiced the 4 above, you’re ready to start experiencing Feng Shui for yourself. Now, I’m sure you know, but I still need to say it, imagine a boring old onion, where we are at is only the first layer, with many more layers before we reach the core. Like an onion, the first layer itself is already tasty, perhaps not as juicy as the layers nearer to the center. In other words, we are just at the beginning. A taste beginning perhaps?

The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.

Lao Tzu

The 9 Stars

In the Flying Stars school of Feng Shui, there are 9 annual stars that re-position themselves every year. Remember how stars effect Qi? Each star has its own vibration pattern that possesses the ability to effect us in different ways, in different areas of our lives, as such, yearly we’d study where the annual stars fly to and configure ourselves and placements to harness (or enhance) the good and avoid (or mitigate) the bad.

  • 1 White Star (Nobility)
  • 2 Black Star (Assets)
  • 3 Jade Star (Perseverance)
  • 4 Green Star (Academic)
  • 5 Yellow Star (Calamity)
  • 6 White Star (Authority)
  • 7 Red Star (Communication)
  • 8 White Star (Wealth)
  • 9 Purple Star (Popularity)

As I continue writing new articles, this post will be updated and expanded to serve as a quick guide or an index, so bookmarking this page is a good idea.