Qi Men Dun Jia Rolodex of Charts

Qi Men Dun Jia (Qi Men / QMDJ) means “Mystical Door, Hiding Jia” is believed to be one of the founding Chinese Metaphysical sciences and is older that Bazi and Feng Shui. So I read from Joey Yap’s “Qi Men Dun Jia Compendium Second Edition“. I’ve studied Qi Men from 2 masters (or sources), obviously Joey Yap’s advanced course being one of them. Instead of starting off using the readily available systems, I decided to take the scholarly path and learnt to plot the charts by hand, in the hopes to build a stronger foundation. Yup, a stronger foundation no doubt, but with hundreds of hours spent and plenty of grays to accompany, not that I’m complaining. Because I learnt to plot the charts, I have the charts, because I have the charts, you my readers have the charts too. I encourage you to learn plotting the charts, however if you get tired of it or you’re simply not interested, well, that’s what this Rolodex is for.

Many (I’m more inclined to claim “all”) seasoned Qi Men practitioners would layer Hour charts with Day charts to achieve more accurate analysis, of course depending if you’re forecasting or planning a strategic execution or perhaps you’ve evaded the mystical doors and found Jia?

Qi Men Hour Chart | Qi Men Day Charts | Qi Men Month Charts

Qi Men 3 Victory Palace – Becoming Unstoppable

You will soon if not already notice that the Divine Light, Divine Blessing and Divine Force days, in some months, will not appear in your corresponding 3 Victory Palaces. For instance, if your Divine Blessing palace is in the East, there are no occurrences in January 2020, only one day in February 2020. What this tells you is, when opportunity knocks, don’t say “wait a minute..”, instead, plan for action ahead of time, take action when the time is right.

Easily access your 3 Victories days.

Divine Light

Imagine standing still, arms wide open, all ready to RECEIVE assisting energy. Use the Light for enhancing thoughts and performance, for healing and cleansing, to dispel negative energy.

Divine Blessing

In a confident pose, with aura to match, you put forward your asks. The Blessing will provide for your plans, wishes and goals.

Divine Force

To win is to attack. May the force be with you (sounds familiar eh?) in your negotiations and endeavors in the areas of wealth and career .