Feng Shui Identifying the Sectors of a House

In attempting to identify the sectors of a house, you would first need to locate the center of the house followed by recording the facing direction of the house as both pieces of information will be integral for the Feng Shui planning for the house. Using a Luo Pan / Feng Shui compass, you stand in the center of the house, align the compass to the magnetic North and like an ancient cheat sheet that was made to withstand the storms of time, the mighty Luo Pan reveals the Feng Shui secrets of your house. At least that’s how I used to feel when I chanced upon seeing a Feng Shui master do his thing.

identify the sectors of a home - Celestial Luo Pan
Feng Shui Compass / Celestial Luo Pan
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Feng Shui Facing and Sitting Directions of a House

I figured that you’d have had a nice cup of coffee, sitting in a comfortable chair all relaxed while you were finding the center of the house. You next mission, if you choose to accept, is to identify the facing and sitting directions of the house. In Feng Shui, the facing direction is the the starting point, the mother of all reference in plotting the Flying Star chart. Well, of course there are other information required, but just so you know that it’s important. That said, it is so direly important that you get this right but hey, it’s not hard at all.

Using a Luo Pan / Feng Shui compass, you would..

Feng Shui Compass
Luo Pan / Feng Shui Compass
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Feng Shui Finding the Center of a House

Years back when I dabbled in Feng Shui without any training, I read many articles online on finding the center of the house. It was confusing to say the least. I recall there was an article that connected every outer corner of the house to the opposite corner, that raised even more questions. Let’s be practical, let’s keep it simple.

Remember that Qi has no form. It enters the house and fills an the area and then gently continues its journey to the other parts of the home. The walls serves as separations. After all, wind cannot flow through walls, but it does enter / exit from doors and windows aka large openings.

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Beginning with Feng Shui

Feng Shui, an ancient art, created by, during the period of and so on so forth. If you’re here to read about the history of Feng Shui, this writing is not for you. There are plenty of other writings that explain the origins of Feng Shui. Surely the worldwide web doesn’t need yet-another. Go here instead if you’re looking for the history.

What I’m gonna do is to illustrate what I wish had been the first ever piece of Feng Shui article I read.

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Qi Men Dun Jia – 3 Victory – Divine Blessing – January 2020

You walk into a temple, the honorable monk blesses you. What do you do next? Go home and take a nap and expect to levitate when you wake? You really hope for anything to happen? How about using the blessed energy by jumping onto the springboard and bouncing yourself towards your goals and wishes? Depending on which Divine Blessing palace you belong to, use the days below to work on your goals and initiate plans. The action is on you.

Divine Blessing Days in January 2020

Looking for Divine Light for January 2020 or Divine Force for January 2020?

Qi Men Dun Jia – 3 Victory – Divine Light – January 2020

Imagine pure light shining down upon you. Light that lifts your spirits, light that makes you feel one with yourself. Depending on where your Divine Light palace is, use these days in the correct palace to receive energy from the universe, which then resonates in and around you enabling your healing and improvement endeavors. But.. of course, it starts with you, take action!

Divine Light Days in January 2020

How about Divine Blessing for January 2020?

Feng Shui 2020 Afflictions

Every year, before the Chinese New Year, you’d hear individuals and families whom embrace Feng Shui preparing their homes for the year to come. As the heavenly energies re-align themselves, we so blatantly re-position ourselves to harness the positives while avoiding the negatives.

By preparing, I don’t mean the spring cleaning you see the neighbors embarking on weeks before the Chinese New Year with their kids. You’d likely be fortunate to see the kids sweep and wipe unwillingly as they are marshaled by higher authority.

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Let it Begin

It was May 2019, on a warm afternoon, while scrolling FB’s feed, an ad sneakily captured my attention.. “Joey Yap’s Feng Shui Academy 2019”.. hrmmm.. At the time I wasn’t a skeptic, neither was I a believer. In Asia, It’s common knowledge that businessmen alike embrace Feng Shui and use it to improve various aspects of their businesses, household, etc. I clicked on the ad, saw the price and gasped. The odd thing was I stared at the contents of the ad for far too long before I snapped out of it and continued on my jolly way. The next day, the same ad nagged me on FB. A few clicks later, I had signed up for the course. Talk about impulse shopping eh? A sane mind wouldn’t spend that amount of money on something it doesn’t believe in. Yet that’s exactly what I did. No idea why but I sure am sane.

Could it have been some sort of affinity at play? Some delusional cosmic energy? Who knows.. I had my fingers and toes crossed.

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