Metaphysics vs the COVID-19 / Coronavirus?

COVID-19 Coronavirus
Photo by CDC on Unsplash

I see posts on metaphysics blogs / websites / facebook groups | pages (you name it) advising their avid followers to take care of the South sector (that’s where Star 2 sits in 2020), to consume more Metal element food, to wear some health talisman and so on. Somehow we’d be more resilient towards the COVID-19 or Coronavirus that has up until the time of this writing, claimed 7,807 lives out of the 191,127 infected.


Feng Shui The Career Star

Each time the conversation over the career star (Flying Star #6 or 6 White Star) pops up, I can’t help myself but to be reminded of Robert Kiyosaki‘s book Rich Dad Poor Dad where it outlines the difference in thought processes, risk appetite, principles and so on between the “Rich Dad” and a “Poor Dad”. The “Rich Dad” being a businessman while the “Poor Dad” is a salaried person; from that aspect, one will advise you to invest your money for maximum returns, while the other would advise you to save up your money to buy a house. In my perspective, Flying Star 6 will be known as the career star to the poor dad while meaning more of an authoritative star to the rich dad. Generally known as the career star, because, well you guessed it, there are more salaried men our there than there are businessmen / entrepreneurs. Now that we have a view of the different perspectives, to harness the energy of the Career Star we first need to understand the wants and needs of the asker.

Career Star - 6 White Star - Salaried men climbing the corporate ladder
Salaried men climbing the corporate ladder.
on to the star

Feng Shui The Nobleman Star

Can we homo sapiens exist as a singular blob of meat? Can a single human being roam the surface of a planet and survive with its sanity intact? Say for some oddness this human miraculously survives on his own, since birth, how will he learn, from whom or what will he learn from? Perhaps innate instinct? Well even the term “homo sapiens” does not exist in a singular form. So there you go, we must coexist and exchange our energy with one another, with other species, with the environment to feed the continuous cycle of life itself. In this post I’m not advocating that we ought to be social butterflies, rather, we need people around us to form symbiotic relationships. The exchange of energy is what keeps the cogs of this universe alive and kicking! That my friends, is when we turn to the Nobleman Star. In Feng Shui, the Nobleman Star is the 1 White Star. The term “Nobleman” used here does not mean rank or title, rather, it means helpful people. So let’s put our egos (for better or worse) aside and accept that we need to help and need to receive help one way or another, at some points in our lives.

No man is an island

John Donne
No man is an island
No man is an island – going insane?
On to the Star

Feng Shui The Academic Star

The majority of adults would ask for wealth. Make Feng Shui bring me money. Where’s the wealth sector? I want to strike the lottery. I want a raise. I want a promotion. It’s always about money. The young aspiring adults would likely add on fame to the list. I want to be an influencer. I want to have a million followers on instagram and so on. Here comes reality, Feng Shui ain’t getting you shit if you sit there and do nothing. Nothing’s ever gonna get you anything if you sit there and do nothing. Let that thought sit for awhile.. .. .. OK, now that we’ve come to our senses, let’s be realistic; anything we do in our lives, we learnt from someone or somewhere or through experience. Agree? Congratulations! You’re one step the wiser :-). First and foremost, knowledge is the ingredient, the not so secret sauce that will improve us. Applied knowledge through practice is what will improve our market value. Mastery of knowledge is what enables us to demand. Demand is where money goes too. That’s where we turn to the Academic star. In Feng Shui, the academic star is the 4 Green Star.

You Feng Shui can’t help someone who doesn’t want to help themselves.

too common to know
It all starts with knowledge
It all starts with knowledge.
Continue reading “Feng Shui The Academic Star”

Starting with Feng Shui a Pragmatist Approach

There’s always a certain level of intrigue that fear seems to leech on when it comes to learning something new, especially when that new knowledge claims to have the ability to have impact on our lives, this compounded by the fact that metaphysical topics are not backed by science. Perhaps it is this fear that keeps some of us at bay when it comes to Feng Shui (or any metaphysical subjects). I have written a few pieces on Feng Shui, specifically tailored to how my mind learns. The intention is to keep it less technical and a little candid, to help that sponge in our skull absorb. Hopefully, your learning mind shares the same (or somewhat) frequency as mine for you the reap the benefits and making learning Feng Shui fun and rewarding.

Feng Shui Qi Flow Happy Man Harmonious Home
Feng Shui Qi Flow Happy Man Harmonious Home
Continue reading “Starting with Feng Shui a Pragmatist Approach”

Qi Men Dun Jia Month and Day Charts of February 2020

Qi Men Dun Jia Month and Day charts are provided as it is. Experienced practitioners overlay hour, day and month charts (depending on the purpose) to find auspicious days for planned executions. Some with spare cash have access to yearly subscriptions that goes up to hundreds of USD or thousands of Ringgit, while some opt for cheaper alternatives, that still cost money. If you’re a consultant that charges for readings, then the ROI may materialize, however if you’re a personal practitioner, you may have different priorities with your hard earned cash. Thus, I’m making available the month and day charts for your practice and wish you all the best in becoming unstoppable by using Qi Men Dun Jia to forecast and then to execute. May the force be with you.

February 2020 Qi Men Month Chart

On to the Charts

Feng Shui My Turning Point

Feng Shui started off as a curiosity. Studying the ancient art was just a start however, I needed to experience it first hand to believe. After all, you can’t preach what you don’t truly believe in and one turns into a believer when he experiences things first hand. Is Feng Shui real? Does it really work? How does it work? What would I experience or not? What if I did it wrong? There were so many other questions without answers that were literally blending in my head. One thing was for sure, what had I to lose, besides some time?

What have you to lose, besides some time?

Continue reading “Feng Shui My Turning Point”

Qi Men Dun Jia Month and Day Charts of January 2020

Qi Men Dun Jia Month and Day charts are provided as it is. Experienced practitioners overlay hour, day and month charts (depending on the purpose) to find auspicious days for planned executions. Some with spare cash have access to yearly subscriptions that goes up to hundreds of USD or thousands of Ringgit, while some opt for cheaper alternatives, that still cost money. If you’re a consultant that charges for readings, then the ROI may materialize, however if you’re a personal practitioner, you may have different priorities with your hard earned cash. Thus, I’m making available the month and day charts for your practice and wish you all the best in becoming unstoppable by using Qi Men Dun Jia to forecast and then to execute. May the force be with you.

January 2020 Qi Men Month Chart

Worthy mentions;

  • Green Dragon Returns at North West palace
  • Flying Bird Fall into Cave and Moon Thrive at South East palace
  • Trinity Fusion at East palace
On to the Charts

Qi Men Dun Jia – 3 Victory – Divine Force – January 2020

Who doesn’t want to win? Who doesn’t want to nail that negotiation, close that sales deal, get that promotion, get that raise, etc.. Humans are a greedy lot and while I’m hesitant to be sharing the Divine Force days, I reckon 3 Victory will not be complete without the Force. With the overlapping of the Heaven Deity and the Chief Deity on the Qi Men Dun Jia charts, the Divine Force is formed.

Now I’m an advocate of Stephen Covey’s “7 Habits of Highly Effective People“, Think Win-Win is one of the teachings, so use the Force to produce a Win-Win situation. While there’s giving without taking, there’s no taking without giving.

QMDJ Divine Force January 2020

The Divine Light and Divine Blessing for January 2020 awaits your audience.