Metaphysics vs the COVID-19 / Coronavirus?

COVID-19 Coronavirus
Photo by CDC on Unsplash

I see posts on metaphysics blogs / websites / facebook groups | pages (you name it) advising their avid followers to take care of the South sector (that’s where Star 2 sits in 2020), to consume more Metal element food, to wear some health talisman and so on. Somehow we’d be more resilient towards the COVID-19 or Coronavirus that has up until the time of this writing, claimed 7,807 lives out of the 191,127 infected.

In my humble opinion.. No.. Whatever form of metaphysics will not be able to reduce the likelihood of you contracting the COVID-19 / Coronavirus. Of course with every new outbreak, there’d be a few individuals that have the natural immunity towards the said virus, but that’s not the result of good metaphysics practice. This virus is new and it is deadly. So everyone and anyone that comes into contact withe the virus will fall ill. Face it.

There are people who joke about it, comparing the COVID-19 Coronavirus mortality rate with cancer or accidents or HIV and what not. The two crucial differentiating factors are that, with the COVID-19, 1) you didn’t ask for it by virtue of your irresponsible actions and 2) it is contagious and deadly. Those 2 points alone should send you into your bomb bunkers.. but no, people joke about it, shun it, that is until today when it has been declared a pandemic with a few cities on lockdown (or partial).

So let’s be practical and close this topic, use common sense, do your part to curb this pandemic. Also verify the stuff you read / view before re-sharing. Let’s all be practical and responsible.

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) advice for the public
Know the facts about coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and help stop the spread of rumors.