Feng Shui The Career Star

Each time the conversation over the career star (Flying Star #6 or 6 White Star) pops up, I can’t help myself but to be reminded of Robert Kiyosaki‘s book Rich Dad Poor Dad where it outlines the difference in thought processes, risk appetite, principles and so on between the “Rich Dad” and a “Poor Dad”. The “Rich Dad” being a businessman while the “Poor Dad” is a salaried person; from that aspect, one will advise you to invest your money for maximum returns, while the other would advise you to save up your money to buy a house. In my perspective, Flying Star 6 will be known as the career star to the poor dad while meaning more of an authoritative star to the rich dad. Generally known as the career star, because, well you guessed it, there are more salaried men our there than there are businessmen / entrepreneurs. Now that we have a view of the different perspectives, to harness the energy of the Career Star we first need to understand the wants and needs of the asker.

Career Star - 6 White Star - Salaried men climbing the corporate ladder
Salaried men climbing the corporate ladder.


6 White Star belongs to the North West sector and it is the star of status, power and authority. Now think of it, someone who is highly successful in his / her career will no doubt command high power, authority and with those, come status. Similarly, someone who is a successful businessman will command all three aspects as well.

In the Lou Shu, Star 6 occupies the North West sector, being the Metal element which among others represent good financial and career management, combined with good leadership skills. Because of it’s Metal nature, Star 6 also embodies the go-getter attitude.

Coming to the human body, it represents the head and the brain.


Remember, Feng Shui is about taking action. Ask yourself, what are the activities revolving around your career? Finishing up that report that’s due in a couple of days, which you haven’t been able to complete at the office due to the constant interruptions. Thinking of what’s next for your client to continue buying from you or even as simple as planning for the next team dinner. Do those activities where the annual Star 6 is visiting, for 2020, Star 6 visits the South East. Keep in mind of the afflicted areas for the year, as you’d want to be careful to avoid activating the good while unknowingly activating the bad.