Feng Shui The Academic Star

The majority of adults would ask for wealth. Make Feng Shui bring me money. Where’s the wealth sector? I want to strike the lottery. I want a raise. I want a promotion. It’s always about money. The young aspiring adults would likely add on fame to the list. I want to be an influencer. I want to have a million followers on instagram and so on. Here comes reality, Feng Shui ain’t getting you shit if you sit there and do nothing. Nothing’s ever gonna get you anything if you sit there and do nothing. Let that thought sit for awhile.. .. .. OK, now that we’ve come to our senses, let’s be realistic; anything we do in our lives, we learnt from someone or somewhere or through experience. Agree? Congratulations! You’re one step the wiser :-). First and foremost, knowledge is the ingredient, the not so secret sauce that will improve us. Applied knowledge through practice is what will improve our market value. Mastery of knowledge is what enables us to demand. Demand is where money goes too. That’s where we turn to the Academic star. In Feng Shui, the academic star is the 4 Green Star.

You Feng Shui can’t help someone who doesn’t want to help themselves.

too common to know
It all starts with knowledge
It all starts with knowledge.


Star 4 is the star of knowledge or intelligence. Naturally, in this day and time, knowledge means learning new skills and most importantly, applying the newly learnt skills. Learning to bake without actually baking won’t produce a cake.

In the Luo Shu, Star 4 occupies the South East palace which is the wood element that represents flexible wood such as flowers and plants.

The academic star is considered a neutral star. It exerts its positive energy when it meets or is paired with another positive star.

From an anatomy perspective, this star represents the hip area.


Being the academic or intelligence star, having the study where Star 4 is, will enhance your focus in literature endeavors. This is more long term where we’d be looking for the sitting and facing star combination. After all, we won’t be moving the study every year! Therefore it is advisable to seek a Feng Shui consultant to configure more permanent aspects of your home.

Often times, we find ourselves in a position where we can’t, or it would be terribly inconvenient, or too expensive for renovations to have the study where Star 4 (sitting and facing combination) is. So now let’s look at short term or quick wins that anybody can benefit from with a little effort, which I personally favor more from an academic perspective.

Looking at the short term, in that particular year, we take into consideration the annual star configuration. For instance, in 2020, Metal Rat year, Star 4 visits the South West palace. All we need to do is study from this sector. Have a desk, have a comfortable chair, stand if you must. It really is that simple.

Read about my personal experience here.