Feng Shui Identifying the Sectors of a House

In attempting to identify the sectors of a house, you would first need to locate the center of the house followed by recording the facing direction of the house as both pieces of information will be integral for the Feng Shui planning for the house. Using a Luo Pan / Feng Shui compass, you stand in the center of the house, align the compass to the magnetic North and like an ancient cheat sheet that was made to withstand the storms of time, the mighty Luo Pan reveals the Feng Shui secrets of your house. At least that’s how I used to feel when I chanced upon seeing a Feng Shui master do his thing.

identify the sectors of a home - Celestial Luo Pan
Feng Shui Compass / Celestial Luo Pan

Okay, jokes aside.. you would have read Feng Shui Facing and Sitting Directions of a House so you know you don’t actually need a Luo Pan / Feng Shui compass and you would have recorded the house’s facing and sitting directions. What you need next is a soft copy of a 24 mountains compass similar to the one below.

24 Mountains Compass
24 Mountains Compass

You’re going to place the center of the 24 mountains compass over the center of the house and align the compass to the facing direction of the house. Printing the 24 mountains image on a transparency would allow you the freedom to rotate the image over the floor plan, or you can use photo editing software like Photoshop. In the example below, we assume that the house faces West at 270 degrees. Simple isn’t it?

Feng Shui overlay 24 mountains compass over the floor plan
House faces West at 270 degrees

Now, when we refer to a sector, the theoretical demarcation is clear however Qi has no form remember? Thus Bedroom 2 in this floor plan is a South West room.

Feng Shui sectors are easily identified
South West sector identified

Let’s get on to it folks, start sectorizing (ok I know that word doesn’t exist) your home. In no time you will be learning the Xuan Kong Flying Stars of the year and understanding how to apply what you’ve learnt thus far.

Related posts;
Beginning with Feng Shui
Finding the Center of a House