First remember to avoid the general bad stuff. Next we’d look for combinations (good) and clashes (bad). But not just any combos or clashes, we focus on your Bazi, in particular the Day Master. You, me, every thing on this planet is a form of energy, remember that science classes taught us that everything is made up of electrons that form atoms that further form molecules? Essentially we are decoding how our personal energy interacts with the Day’s energy. That’s the crust of Date Selection. So what if there’re good energies today for certain activities when your personal energy vibrates at an opposing frequency? Going back to our Spaghettini Marinara example, adding a cup of fresh milk (you) to the delicious dish (day with good energies) wouldn’t make it any better, on the contrary, it spoils the dish. However, if you’d add some chili flakes (another person), that may just make the delicious dish bombastic! But then again that bombastic dish may not be liked by a person who can’t consume heat well. There you go, Date Selection is mystical at the start, but makes total sense when you dabble it in just a little deeper.

Date selection is always activity based, i.e. you want to do something significant on a good or supportive day. That something significant that you want to do loosely translates into the broad categories illustrated above; “Bazi Pillar Description”.
Let’s take this for a spin. Say you’ve signed up for online classes on a topic that you’re passionate about. Although passion there is, you know that everyday distractions will pry. Perhaps you’re one that lacks the will or persistence. Date selection can help. By starting the classes on a day that have;
- No clashes in the Hour and Day pillars
- Combinations in the Hour and Day pillars
will imbue supportive energies in your pursuit. There after you ought to find yourself eager to finish the classes and making the time for it. Always remember that it starts and ends with you and your actions. If you’d potato away in front of the TV, without making the effort, then that’s solely on you.‘s Bazi Calendar gives you a stress free representation of your Bazi dancing alongside with the Day’s energy. The screen capture below is for a Xin Mao Day Master on the 3rd of November 2020. Notice that there are no clashes (swords icon) in the hour and day pillars? In fact there are combinations (love icon) on both the hour and day pillars! At the basic level of Date Selection, this is a good day for you to embark on your studies. Start small, start now!

Advanced Date Selection will also look at the energy formations between your Bazi and the Day as well as the daily stars, but that’s for another post. Start small, start now!