Our date selection journey started off with a plate of Spaghettini Marinara. Just like any great chef, you’d want to know what to avoid, as however great the dish may turn out, a few bad ingredients could ruin the dish. A drop of sour milk turns the whole bottle sour, so they say, but really it isn’t that bad. So let’s start with the basic Days that you should avoid for important personal activities.
- Personal Breaker Days
- Personal Void / Death & Emptiness Days
- Personal 7 Killing Days
- Year Breaker
- Month Breaker

Personal Day Breaker
The day qualifies as a personal day breaker day when your Day Master clashes with the Day’s energies. We determine this by comparing the your Day Master’s earthly branch with the Day’s earthly branch. This post lists the earthly branch clashes. As you are opposing the energies of the day, one could surmise to expect the unexpected or for things to not flow smoothly.
Personal Void / Death and Emptiness Day
Say the Day’s energies are represented by Wu | Horse (heavenly stem) Chen | Dragon (earthly branch), the void / death and emptiness earthly branches would be Xu | Dog and Hai | Pig. The void / death and emptiness earthly branches are determined by referring to the 60 Jia Zi table or the 6 Jia Streams table. On these days, you are in the void, translated to – even if there are positive energies, you will not benefit from them, because you are in the void.
Personal 7 Killings Day
Now we dabble into Bazi’s 10 Gods. The term God used here has no affiliations to spirituality or religion. Essentially the 10 Gods are stars. For date selection for personal activities, we want to avoid the days where the Day’s heavenly stems counters your Day Master’s heavenly stem. This countering notion is represented by the 7 Killings Star. Example; if you are a Jia (yang wood) Day Master, a Geng (yang metal) Day is a 7 Killings day to you. Similarly, a Geng (yang metal) Day Master will meet a 7 Killing day when the day is a Bing (yang fire) Day. 7 Killings brings images of trouble, recklessness, thoughtlessness, impulsive amongst other extreme negative views.
Year and Month Breaker Days
Where the Day’s earthly branch clashes with the year (Year Breaker) and where the Day’s earthly branch clashes with the month (Month Breaker). While the Year Breaker’s effect would be less intense, the Month Breaker’s effect could be a jolt.
How on Earth Do I Do This?
Plotting the Day’s Bazi and your own Bazi, followed by looking for the clashes can be a daunting task that would throw you off course. Remember, this is only the first basic step of Date Selection. Head over to www.metaphysics.digital‘s Bazi Calendar, enter your date and time of birth, the web app will shade the days to avoid in black. All done for you, just a few clicks away.