Metaphysics vs the COVID-19 / Coronavirus?

COVID-19 Coronavirus
Photo by CDC on Unsplash

I see posts on metaphysics blogs / websites / facebook groups | pages (you name it) advising their avid followers to take care of the South sector (that’s where Star 2 sits in 2020), to consume more Metal element food, to wear some health talisman and so on. Somehow we’d be more resilient towards the COVID-19 or Coronavirus that has up until the time of this writing, claimed 7,807 lives out of the 191,127 infected.


Let it Begin

It was May 2019, on a warm afternoon, while scrolling FB’s feed, an ad sneakily captured my attention.. “Joey Yap’s Feng Shui Academy 2019”.. hrmmm.. At the time I wasn’t a skeptic, neither was I a believer. In Asia, It’s common knowledge that businessmen alike embrace Feng Shui and use it to improve various aspects of their businesses, household, etc. I clicked on the ad, saw the price and gasped. The odd thing was I stared at the contents of the ad for far too long before I snapped out of it and continued on my jolly way. The next day, the same ad nagged me on FB. A few clicks later, I had signed up for the course. Talk about impulse shopping eh? A sane mind wouldn’t spend that amount of money on something it doesn’t believe in. Yet that’s exactly what I did. No idea why but I sure am sane.

Could it have been some sort of affinity at play? Some delusional cosmic energy? Who knows.. I had my fingers and toes crossed.

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