Chinese Metaphysics Tools of the Trade (some)

Tools of the Trade

Classic Date Selection

  1. Bazi Calendar
    Undertake important activities with a calendar that’s uniquely yours.
  2. Feng Shui Calendar
    Plan renovations, move ins and activations.
  3. Marriage date selection
    The union of two beings.

Forecasting with QiMen

  1. Qi Men Dun Jia Hour Charts
  2. Qi Men Dun Jia Day Charts
  3. Qi Men Dun Jia Month Charts
  4. Search for Qi Men formations

Supercharging the QiMen Way

  1. Qi Men Dun Jia 3 Victories

8 Mansions Feng Shui

8 Mansions Feng Shui and Divination Techniques

The 8iGHT app is a result of the collaboration between Master David Xuan and his disciple Jason Ooi with the support of the DX Team. Like what a scientific calculator is to an aspiring mathematician, the 8iGHT app simplifies representations of 8 Mansions for quick application. The techniques however, need to be learnt, and this can be achieved by signing up for Master David’s courses.

Qi Men Dun Jia Month and Day Charts of February 2020

Qi Men Dun Jia Month and Day charts are provided as it is. Experienced practitioners overlay hour, day and month charts (depending on the purpose) to find auspicious days for planned executions. Some with spare cash have access to yearly subscriptions that goes up to hundreds of USD or thousands of Ringgit, while some opt for cheaper alternatives, that still cost money. If you’re a consultant that charges for readings, then the ROI may materialize, however if you’re a personal practitioner, you may have different priorities with your hard earned cash. Thus, I’m making available the month and day charts for your practice and wish you all the best in becoming unstoppable by using Qi Men Dun Jia to forecast and then to execute. May the force be with you.

February 2020 Qi Men Month Chart

On to the Charts

Qi Men Dun Jia Month and Day Charts of January 2020

Qi Men Dun Jia Month and Day charts are provided as it is. Experienced practitioners overlay hour, day and month charts (depending on the purpose) to find auspicious days for planned executions. Some with spare cash have access to yearly subscriptions that goes up to hundreds of USD or thousands of Ringgit, while some opt for cheaper alternatives, that still cost money. If you’re a consultant that charges for readings, then the ROI may materialize, however if you’re a personal practitioner, you may have different priorities with your hard earned cash. Thus, I’m making available the month and day charts for your practice and wish you all the best in becoming unstoppable by using Qi Men Dun Jia to forecast and then to execute. May the force be with you.

January 2020 Qi Men Month Chart

Worthy mentions;

  • Green Dragon Returns at North West palace
  • Flying Bird Fall into Cave and Moon Thrive at South East palace
  • Trinity Fusion at East palace
On to the Charts

Qi Men Dun Jia – 3 Victory – Divine Force – January 2020

Who doesn’t want to win? Who doesn’t want to nail that negotiation, close that sales deal, get that promotion, get that raise, etc.. Humans are a greedy lot and while I’m hesitant to be sharing the Divine Force days, I reckon 3 Victory will not be complete without the Force. With the overlapping of the Heaven Deity and the Chief Deity on the Qi Men Dun Jia charts, the Divine Force is formed.

Now I’m an advocate of Stephen Covey’s “7 Habits of Highly Effective People“, Think Win-Win is one of the teachings, so use the Force to produce a Win-Win situation. While there’s giving without taking, there’s no taking without giving.

QMDJ Divine Force January 2020

The Divine Light and Divine Blessing for January 2020 awaits your audience.

Qi Men Dun Jia – 3 Victory – Divine Blessing – January 2020

You walk into a temple, the honorable monk blesses you. What do you do next? Go home and take a nap and expect to levitate when you wake? You really hope for anything to happen? How about using the blessed energy by jumping onto the springboard and bouncing yourself towards your goals and wishes? Depending on which Divine Blessing palace you belong to, use the days below to work on your goals and initiate plans. The action is on you.

Divine Blessing Days in January 2020

Looking for Divine Light for January 2020 or Divine Force for January 2020?

Qi Men Dun Jia – 3 Victory – Divine Light – January 2020

Imagine pure light shining down upon you. Light that lifts your spirits, light that makes you feel one with yourself. Depending on where your Divine Light palace is, use these days in the correct palace to receive energy from the universe, which then resonates in and around you enabling your healing and improvement endeavors. But.. of course, it starts with you, take action!

Divine Light Days in January 2020

How about Divine Blessing for January 2020?