
Chinese Metaphysics Tools of the Trade (some)

Tools of the Trade

Classic Date Selection

  1. Bazi Calendar
    Undertake important activities with a calendar that’s uniquely yours.
  2. Feng Shui Calendar
    Plan renovations, move ins and activations.
  3. Marriage date selection
    The union of two beings.

Forecasting with QiMen

  1. Qi Men Dun Jia Hour Charts
  2. Qi Men Dun Jia Day Charts
  3. Qi Men Dun Jia Month Charts
  4. Search for Qi Men formations

Supercharging the QiMen Way

  1. Qi Men Dun Jia 3 Victories

8 Mansions Feng Shui

8 Mansions Feng Shui and Divination Techniques

The 8iGHT app is a result of the collaboration between Master David Xuan and his disciple Jason Ooi with the support of the DX Team. Like what a scientific calculator is to an aspiring mathematician, the 8iGHT app simplifies representations of 8 Mansions for quick application. The techniques however, need to be learnt, and this can be achieved by signing up for Master David’s courses.

Date Selection the Personal Day Breaker

The first point in my previous post Date Selection for Personal Activities, What to Avoid mentioned the “Personal Day Breaker”. The day qualifies as a personal day breaker day when your Day Master clashes with the Day’s energies. We determine this by comparing the your Day Master’s earthly branch with the Day’s earthly branch. This post lists the earthly branch clashes. As you are opposing the energies of the day, one could surmise to expect the unexpected or for things to not flow smoothly. This time around, with a video to accompany.

Chinese Date Selection – Personal Day Breaker

Feng Shui Activating the Dragon Virtue 龍德 Star

The Dragon Virtue star assists in problem solving. Thus making it one of the highly sought for energies. If activated correctly, problems faced will be dissolved. That’s a pretty daring statement, but it doesn’t mean that problems will disappear while you enjoy an episode of your favorite series with a bag of chips. It takes actions to get results. On the flipside of things, if you’re not facing problems, activating the Dragon Virtue star will bring problems to your doorstep, for you to solve, which you would. So how do you go about activating the Dragon Virtue energy?

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Feng Shui Activating the Duke Virtue 歲德 Star in 2021

A new year, a year of renewed possibilities or a year of smooth sailing or a year of downward spiraling? Metaphysics followers and practitioners are well aware of the changes in energies when a new year is ushered in and how Feng Shui is used to enhance or mitigate the energies. One star that I favor is the Duke Virtue 歲德 star, that in the Xin Chou year of 2021, resides in the S1 sector (24 mountains) of a property. The Duke Virtue star bestows protective and negative mitigating energy to the occupants. Whether you decide to take a chill pill for the year or you plan to aim for the skies, protective energy is always good to have with you. Don’t you agree? Also there’s no stopping you from activating other energies in your home that’ll suit your pursuits.

TLDR; I’ve prepared a table of the first occurrence of a good day to activate the Duke Virtue star in the Xin Chou year of 2021, for all 24 sitting directions.

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Date Selection for Personal Activities, What to Look For

First remember to avoid the general bad stuff. Next we’d look for combinations (good) and clashes (bad). But not just any combos or clashes, we focus on your Bazi, in particular the Day Master. You, me, every thing on this planet is a form of energy, remember that science classes taught us that everything is made up of electrons that form atoms that further form molecules? Essentially we are decoding how our personal energy interacts with the Day’s energy. That’s the crust of Date Selection. So what if there’re good energies today for certain activities when your personal energy vibrates at an opposing frequency? Going back to our Spaghettini Marinara example, adding a cup of fresh milk (you) to the delicious dish (day with good energies) wouldn’t make it any better, on the contrary, it spoils the dish. However, if you’d add some chili flakes (another person), that may just make the delicious dish bombastic! But then again that bombastic dish may not be liked by a person who can’t consume heat well. There you go, Date Selection is mystical at the start, but makes total sense when you dabble it in just a little deeper.

Bazi Pillars Description
Bazi Pillar Description
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The Earthly Branches Combinations

Generally, combinations in all forms of Chinese Metaphysics studies have positive outcomes. On the contrary clashes brings the opposite effect. Heavenly Stems too have their version of clashes and combinations, however for this post, we’d be looking at the Earthly Branches combinations, namely the 6 Harmony and 3 Harmony.

6 Harmony

In Bazi studies, 2 Earthly Branches meet and under the right conditions, the union produces another element. Think of it as a couple bringing to life a child, if you will. In the image below, the 6 Harmony combinations are marked with diagonal double headed arrows. I’ve colored the arrows to depict the element it produces, shall the conditions be right. For example, let’s have a look at the union between the Snake and the Monkey, which produces the Water (blue) element. So what are the right conditions? Can you imagine water present in the blazing heat of summer? You may have already guessed it, the condition is determined by the Season. Back to Snake + Monkey = Water, if the union occurs in the Winter months (November, December and January) where the Water element is prosperous, only then will the production of the Water element be successful. Similarly Rabbit + Dog = Fire (red) will successfully produce the Fire element during the Summer months (May, June and July).

3 Harmony

Also known as the 4 frames combinations, the 3 Harmony combinations produces an overwhelmingly strong presence of an element. In the image below, the combinations are marked by triangles with the corresponding elemental color. 3 Harmony Combinations are formed by the Growth, Cardinal and Graveyard of an element, thus igniting it’s full presence. Where only 2 Earthly Branches are present, it is know as the Half Combination, which is also desired.

Bazi Earthly Branches Combinations, 6 Harmony and 3 Harmony

What are Combinations Used For?

Imagine people getting together to form unions. These are happy moments. Moments that revolve around relationships. In everyday life, with relationships we form our support structure, people who help us when we are in the dumps, people who mentor us, people who are there for the variety or challenges that life brings to our door steps. People.. people.. people. One would be a fool to think they are 100% self sufficient. Similarly 6 Harmony and 3 Harmony combinations in one or many ways bring positive outcomes that are realized through the relationships we build, nurture and cherish.

Date Selection for Personal Activities, What to Avoid

Our date selection journey started off with a plate of Spaghettini Marinara. Just like any great chef, you’d want to know what to avoid, as however great the dish may turn out, a few bad ingredients could ruin the dish. A drop of sour milk turns the whole bottle sour, so they say, but really it isn’t that bad. So let’s start with the basic Days that you should avoid for important personal activities.

  1. Personal Breaker Days
  2. Personal Void / Death & Emptiness Days
  3. Personal 7 Killing Days
  4. Year Breaker
  5. Month Breaker
Continue reading “Date Selection for Personal Activities, What to Avoid”

The Chinese Art of Date Selection

The Chinese Art of Date selection (Zé Rì | 择日) is like preparing a plate of Spaghettini Marinara. I kid you not. Let’s assume that you are competent enough to prepare an edible plate of pasta, meaning that at the end of the process, there’d be a plate of pasta that you will enjoy. Hear me out before you faint from laughing too hard. You’d have a variety of ingredients that makes the plate of pasta. For the sake of simplicity, our marinara pasta will use these ingredients; Spaghettini no.2, Tomato paste, Basil, Clams, Prawns, Garlic, Salt and Black pepper.

Date Selection is like preparing a plate of Spaghetti Marinara
Just like preparing a plate of Spaghetti Marinara
Let’s Be a Chef

The Earthly Branches Clashes

Arguments, disputes, disagreements, conflicts, some sort of no good feelings that plague mankind into emotional and sometimes physical turmoil. Okay okay that’s a little melodramatic, but you get the idea. Did you know, that the earthly branches / Chinese animal zodiacs have conflicts with one another too? We call this a clash and the same anti-relationships are used in BaZi, Feng Shui, Date Selection and any other forms of Chinese Metaphysics that use the animal zodiacs. So better to get ya fundamentals right.

Photo by jean wimmerlin on Unsplash
On to the clashes

North, Magnetic or True?

Our smartphones are integral parts of our lives. These days when the word “compass” is heard, we think of that app in our phones. We all have a compass in the 21st century. Death lurks at the doors of the good ol’ compass as how photographic film succumbed to digital sensors.. or not? North is North, what’s this about Magnetic North and True North?

The good ol’ compass
compass no more